One of Southland Murihiku greatest strengths is its land. Beyond 2025 Southland wants to understand the opportunities to drive land-use change, particularly where there is significant constraint affecting existing farm systems.
Beyond 2025 Southland will partner with Thriving Southland who are leading the Land Use Just Transition workstream, as well as other key stakeholders. Identified opportunities include growing higher-value crops and products and improving the productivity and sustainability of the region’s forestry sector.
This is an opportunity for solution-based thinking to achieving net zero aspirations and consideration of climate change.
Key Outcomes
Conduct in-depth research into high-value food and fibre growth opportunities including a review of the Crops for Southland trial
Build a model and invest in pilot facilities to enable the utilisation of green waste
Establish a Totara plantation forestry pilot in Southland and a framework for assessing its benefits
Southland is a leader in low emission plant-based beverage manufacturing such as oat milk.