He ara whakamua, he ara hou a Murihiku i tēnei ao hurihuri
Moving forward, new pathways for Southand Murihiku in a constantly changing world
What is Beyond 2025 Southland?
Beyond 2025 Southland is our region’s long term plan that will be presented in June 2023.
The purpose of the plan is to create a shared future vision and pathway for Southland Murihiku beyond 2025. It is based on whakamana, empowerment, and aspirations we’ve identified for our people, environment and economy.
Plan Overview
Guiding Principles
We honour the principles and spirit of the Treaty by working collaboratively with our Treaty partners to ensure aspirations for mana whenua and Māori are reflected.
We’ve understood that the process to develop the plan is just as important as what the plan says. So, we’ve endeavoured to provide opportunities for many to be involved and share their views with significant surveying, research, hui and conversations over the past 18 months.
We've focused on achieving equitable and fair outcomes, taking into account the needs and perspectives of all members of the community so that everyone, regardless of background or circumstance, have the opportunities to thrive.
We’re acknowledging what we do (or don’t do) now will affect the future so we need to ensure we are both resilient and adaptable in our approach. This way we can best respond to change and challenges considering things we can and cannot control.
We’ve focused on a sustainable long term view for the region, ensuring there is balance between our people, our environment, and our economy now and for the future.
Key Enablers
We will support and enable the development of quality housing to better meet the needs of our people.
We will implement a joined-up approach to labour market planning so we all clearly understand what our skilled workforce shortages are now and into the future and how we will work collaboratively together to address them.
We need access to timely, comprehensive, and accurate data to inform policy, assist decision-making, and prioritise resources for growth and development via collection, analysis, visualisation and data governance.
We will support the region’s future energy needs in a clean and resilient way, while ensuring affordability for our communities and remaining globally competitive for new industry.
We want to align our regional development aspirations with the rules that dictate what we can and cannot do with our land, water and people, and we want rules that enable a prosperous and sustainable future.